Salvation !!

Salvation is here I have read many inspiring stories and motivational books but sincerely this is a story with a difference. It's authenticity through clearly stated in the Holy Scriptures, it remains a mystery to many. Indeed it's a mystery already revealed to all since God has secured this plan through Christ Jesus. In the Bible, there is a passage in Isaiah 53 that clearly states the coming of a Saviour. Isaiah is not the first one to talk about this Saviour, Abraham was told of his seed...and that's He the Saviour, Jacob talks of Him while giving farewell to his sons ,Genesis 48:10 You see, what moves surpasses human minds is not conceived through sight but through faith. This is why many discoveries and inventions have been made and continue to be, but the human mind still has something new to find or do... Note here the trend moves on and on but there's one thing happens wh...