Apprehending the Days

Spirit contemporary is a word that has recently struck my mind.Of course I have always been conscious of the main concerns of this matter.Yet it had never so clearly orchestrated my heart. The truth is, those who believe in God and have faith in the Lord Jesus have a great share of nobility and a royal inheritance that can only be apprehended through balancing the life that exists in us and for us.Spirit contemporary comes in here. You can not be elevated to the place of full spiritual exploration and truth exploitation if you still remain adamant to the very issues that are undeniably real in every naturally existing man. We are doomed to failure if we deny the existence of those very trivial and  contagious issues in our contemporary lives.
      For instance,it is normal for every growing individual across both genders to  experience a beginning of sexual activity particularly in their teenage lives.That's a reality that spirituality does not deny either.However the perspectives here will defer.The reactions that come in the part of being a natural man,oriented in the bodily form are clearly evident; seeking for sexual fulfilment. I realised a reality that remains to be a shock to me.The reality of sexual activity in any normal individual can not be denied. I have severally found myself embodied in the reality of these perspectives.
    On the other hand, the perspective of spiritual wholesomeness is clear concerning sexuality;the bible stands with the sacredness of sexuality. Sex is sacred and the that is undisputable in the take of true spiritual orientation.
   Anyone that seeks to be a partaker of sexual purity must become  acquainted with one fact;that both sides are a reality that cannot be denied.Then the one choice that remains is to yield to the power of the Holy spirit and subdue the fleshly mentality by feeding the mind with the right information.I have often been a victim of choosing what the mind has to feed on.For instance, pornographic materials,all over media are a reality I have had to deal with severally.A simple click on the Internet, divergent from your main reason for the visit can enter up taking you to a whole new world of fifth sexual explicit materials. It is clear however, if we keep our minds focused on the positive side of life,engaging positive efforts, we can stand in self control and conquer ourselves. No greater battle than that of conquering oneself. This is the beginning of all victories.
   The secret of sexual fulfilment is therefore out of reach in the perspective of biology itself.Only a state of mind can be cultivated to subject to a provided solution; in this case the undesputable provision of God's righteousness through faith in Christ Jesus.This is the only sufficient solution.The other solution that's totally depended on humanism and morality can only offer a partial answer. It can only deal with this matter as in the case of the law of moses; eg,Do not commit adultery. Hence in the case of the law follower,the physical engagement is taken care of,but  not the spiritual, the  assumptious mind or prior sexual imaginations whatsoever . This itself is a reality that brings a loophole on morality of humanity and makes it an inadequate remedy for any humanity.The implications are very clear; an inadequate solution does not remedy a weakness. The solution for attaining sexual purity is therefore a choice and can not be morally implanted.The atmosphere for such cannot be contained where the spiritual perspective is not given eminence .Purity is therefore on a proper definition a state of the mind and deals more actively with the proactive mentality of an individual.The judgements of purity would therefore start from the mind and not on the post responses of sexuality itself.
There is a solution on the word of God that gives a satisfactory answer above any level of human tought morals.


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